Shouldn't the creative writer at least attempt to reshape a story? or add their own twist to the tale?
And how far should a Minister of State stoop to copy someone else's work in order to get a cheap laugh at conference? and does it matter that the person you are copying from is often thought of as a sandwich short of a fascists picnic?
Well back in July, during a national speaking tour promoting his then new book Fighting Bull, UKIP's ex leader Nigel Farage was at the Eastleigh Railway Institute spinning a line regarding an immigrant whom he claimed was a convicted killer who had used the Human Rights Act to avoid deportation by claiming ownership of a cat.
He said a court had decided that the man:
“..Should not be deported because … (and I really am not making this up)… because he had a pet cat!”And so it came to be that last week at the Tory Party conference Theresa May matched Farage almost word for word, including the pregnant pause when she told the blue rinse faithful about a convicted immigrant who she said:
“.. Cannot be deported because – (and I am not making this up) – because he had a pet cat!”

The Times reviewed Farages book "Fighting Bull" and let me plagiarise Camilla Longs view of the ex UKIP leader manner and his oratory/written brilliance when she said he was "Somewhere between Alan B’Stard and a frog" and that he was "pretty odious: a shifty saloon-bar lizard" and that the book has "moments of unparalleled pomposity"
I just think that it is rather apt that the Sunday Times once also told us that Farage is also known in political circle for his rather severe and problematic halitosis.
And now it seems that the same foul smelling garbage is being espoused from the Home Secretary's mouth too!
Hi Tony,
ReplyDeleteI see that NCC have found a new way of keeping you from public speaking, just when is the next full Council meeting?
8th of December! what a fine model of democracy NCC is! We meet as little as the Tory council can get away with. Soon we will just have an annual meeting to let the contracts to all of their friends in business!