The body count in Palestine rises day by day, more protests bring more shootings and more killings and yet Western Governments still seem completely unable or unwilling to challenge the full extent of the Israeli governments brutality.

The completely vacuous comments tripped out to an overly biased press from world leaders including David Cameron in the UK simplistically repeat & reiterate "Israel's right to defend itself" and give too prominent a focus to Hamas's futile rocket attacks.
These Soundbites are now little more than an embarrassment and an insult to a world community waking up to the realities of the ever growing one sided nature of this horrific conflict.
Just how many innocent Palestinian civilians and children must die before those over eager to support Israel realise that their inaction and carefully crafted words of comfort to Israel are in fact little less than an accessory to these brutal killings.
Yes Israel is entitled to its security, yes Hamas must stop firing its rockets, and yes the loss of each and every Israeli life is equally to be condemned by us all, but surely above all the people of the Palestine need world protection from a viscous Israeli government willing to kill innocents by way of collective punishment for the activities of a few.
Which other government occupies its neighbours towns and cities and wantonly executes people protesting on their own land?
Israel's purposefully breach of International Law in support of its continued illegal occupation and resettlement of Palestinian land will only stop if those who gave influence decide to use it."