John Dickies call in todays Chronicle and Echo for "The Old Guard" at the Town Hall to stand aside to let new talent shine through reminded me so much of this video below, and if I can't succeed as an independent then perhaps this bright and upcoming young lady has a chance of changing the political landscape?
I must say her speech is more far more radical and inspiring than anything you will get from the Party Leaders at the Town Hall over the next 4 years!!
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Monday, 9 May 2011
I could say that:
But that would be neither magnanimous nor would it cover the horrible feeling that defeat still brings no matter how difficult I knew the fight to be
I could instead wrap myself up in my election win averages, i.e. played 9 - won 6 - lost 3, but again that wouldn't be totally accurate as you need to split the elections pre and post transfer! i.e. played 5 for the Labour Party won 4 - lost 1 and played 4 as an Independent and Won 2 - Lost 2
I could continue with the Roosevelt theme as above and say to my detractors and those who talk a good election but never fight one that:
Perhaps its best then to just say well done to the victors? After all I was really genuinely pleased to see my good friend Aziz Rahman and his wife elected to the Council Aziz having topped the poll and his wife winning very unexpectedly in Trinity against Andrew Simpson, and other Labour victory's for friends like Gareth Eales were also very pleasing. Comments from others that I should now "Come home to Labour" or at take the Labour whip on the County are perhaps best left alone before the Region finds out about them and ex communicates more members.
So in a way all of the above comments and quotes to a degree have some truth to them but it still leaves me asking myself so many more questions than I have answers for as to where do we go from here?
For the record I can now say what I thought would happen and the predictions I made to those closest to me.
I predicted a strong Labour recovery, I had them down for 13 seats and they got 15. I also believed privately that if their swing was big enough then it would do for us in Castle Ward and that they would take the 3 seats (although of course I hoped we would hang on) I predicted along with everyone else a collapse in the Lib Dem vote, but no where near the size it was I had them down to around the 9-10 mark with the Tories gaining but not enough to form an administration, but I was wrong on that one. A lot of the Lib Dem candidates I thought would go, went but not always to the victors I had in mind, and I also of course hoped and wished for the record number of Independent candidates to be elected or do well and to a point they did do well if not get elected. They all campaigned and polled well but came up short when it turned into total votes at the count.
Without a doubt one of the biggest disappointments for me were the very high number of "Block Votes" where 3 votes were recorded for the Labour/ Lib Dem/Tory in Castle Ward, because myself and Malcolm could never feature in them we found ourselves several hundred behind before we had a chance to catch up on the split votes, and even then Party loyalty cancelled a lot of gains out. It is soul destroying having put so much effort in to sometimes be left wondering if votes are still just cast en masse without a thought to the candidates standing. With less than 30%v bothering in the first place it is even more difficult to get past any three party loyalty ticket
Another crazy caper which must have cost the Lib Dem's dearly across the town was the massive effort they put into Castle Ward even though they finished 5th there in 2009. We now have it on good authority that this was an agreed tactic to make sure they got rid of myself and Malcolm for being thorns in their side over the last 4 years. I should grateful for the compliment, but I can't help but think it cost both vote for me and Malcolm in Castle Ward but also probably cost the Lib Dem's a couple of seats they could have saved elsewhere (i.e. Trinity?) if they had used their resources more wisely.
Will the public ever embrace Indeopendents in large enough numbers to make wins regular? Can you only really be succesful as an Independent by not being Independent and forming a new group of "Local Community Activists" under a single banner? Who knows, I would as always value your thoughts.
Anyway on to the election awards. My award for the most unscrupulous campaigning goes to the Lib Dem candidates in Castle Ward who sent an unforgivable letter out to council tenants on the eve of Poll without a Party logo on "official" looking paper signed by Cllr Jane Hollis warning tenants that unless they voted for the three Lib Dem candidates then the Tory's where going to sell off their council homes! One elderly disabled man was in tears when we visited him that night convinced that only a vote for the Lib Dem's would keep him in his home. It was full of the old "Its a two horse race here" this time they told residents the two horse race was between the Lib Dem's and The Tories who finished 5th and 3rd in Castle Ward respectively in 2009
My award for the most pointless and puerile comments came from Les Marriot who fought the Semilong seat for Labour against the Independent candidate Steven Richards. So despite me not even standing for election there he still managed to vent his pipe by attacking me as "Cllr Independent" saying I was only good at making a noise and getting myself in the press and then he attacked me again by informing the voters of Semilong that "Unlike Cllr Independent" he "won't be swanning off down to London" We can only think that was referring to the time that I was one of his parties MP's at Westminster? But what a strange comment.
The stark truth however is that the election result was a bad one for Independents and yet they all fought very hard and they deserved far more recognition than they got in the local media. Those who we printed material for Graham Walker, Steven Richards and Derek Jones mad sterling efforts in their first ever campaigns and I hope they wont lose too much heart at the results. Malcolm Mildren and his partner Maureen were both a rock for me in Castle Ward and as well as being very grateful for their support I would also thank them for their humour, we really did have a fun time!
I would of course also thank John and Marie Dickie, John for being our agent and Marie for putting up with John I would also single out Ann and the gang in Spring Boroughs Peter Witt in Cyril Street and Terry and many others for helping out with deliveries. I also of course thank my family for putting up with me.
Those last two paragraphs should of course have been said as part of a small speech at the count. But candidates, even winning candidates were denied the opportunity to do so in what was a very lack lustre count. No one at the count could really hear what was happening and it was also incredibly difficult to see what was happening and how the votes were accumulating. Gone it seems are the days when the rolls of 50 votes were put in a rack so you could actually see who was winning!
In fact having waited until the next day for the vote to be begin it was all a bit of an anti climax, and as a candidate I felt I was just in the way really, and perhaps that's where we are all headed elected or not? Perhaps the Council will do away with elections and Cllrs and just set up sounding boards to provide an opinion of the management boards intentions? perhaps being a Cllr or not or being elected or not is now immaterial? but if it is then I would like to know why it stings so much not be part of it.
So now you have it, my election ramble for you to digest and add to, and once again unlike other sites censorship will only be applied to either the vulgar and unfair.
I come near to a conclusion by sending my sincere congratulations to the victors Aziz Rahman, Winston Strachan and Danielle Stone. Good luck to you all in representing the people of Castle Ward on the Borough Council, I will of course be monitoring your progress from my position of County Cllr for Castle Ward, but I offer you cooperation in the best interests of the people we both serve and hope we can all bring some credit back to a Local Government system bruised by the electoral over ambition and administrative arrogance of the Liberal Democrats over the last four years.
I also offer congratulations to David Palethorpe and his Tory Group, I shall enjoy watching from the sidelines as another Tony newly elected to the Council in the administrations fold continues to promote the record of Independent thought and action in the Town Hall that I hope myself and Malcolm were reknown for.....
My last act this morning in the Town Hall was set my Council email to "Out of Office" It read "
"it is far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat"
But that would be neither magnanimous nor would it cover the horrible feeling that defeat still brings no matter how difficult I knew the fight to be
I could instead wrap myself up in my election win averages, i.e. played 9 - won 6 - lost 3, but again that wouldn't be totally accurate as you need to split the elections pre and post transfer! i.e. played 5 for the Labour Party won 4 - lost 1 and played 4 as an Independent and Won 2 - Lost 2
I could continue with the Roosevelt theme as above and say to my detractors and those who talk a good election but never fight one that:
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is no effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat"But brave words and emotive quotations won't change a single vote in my favour; the election will still be lost and the Borough Council chamber still inaccessible to me for four years.
Perhaps its best then to just say well done to the victors? After all I was really genuinely pleased to see my good friend Aziz Rahman and his wife elected to the Council Aziz having topped the poll and his wife winning very unexpectedly in Trinity against Andrew Simpson, and other Labour victory's for friends like Gareth Eales were also very pleasing. Comments from others that I should now "Come home to Labour" or at take the Labour whip on the County are perhaps best left alone before the Region finds out about them and ex communicates more members.
So in a way all of the above comments and quotes to a degree have some truth to them but it still leaves me asking myself so many more questions than I have answers for as to where do we go from here?
For the record I can now say what I thought would happen and the predictions I made to those closest to me.
I predicted a strong Labour recovery, I had them down for 13 seats and they got 15. I also believed privately that if their swing was big enough then it would do for us in Castle Ward and that they would take the 3 seats (although of course I hoped we would hang on) I predicted along with everyone else a collapse in the Lib Dem vote, but no where near the size it was I had them down to around the 9-10 mark with the Tories gaining but not enough to form an administration, but I was wrong on that one. A lot of the Lib Dem candidates I thought would go, went but not always to the victors I had in mind, and I also of course hoped and wished for the record number of Independent candidates to be elected or do well and to a point they did do well if not get elected. They all campaigned and polled well but came up short when it turned into total votes at the count.
Without a doubt one of the biggest disappointments for me were the very high number of "Block Votes" where 3 votes were recorded for the Labour/ Lib Dem/Tory in Castle Ward, because myself and Malcolm could never feature in them we found ourselves several hundred behind before we had a chance to catch up on the split votes, and even then Party loyalty cancelled a lot of gains out. It is soul destroying having put so much effort in to sometimes be left wondering if votes are still just cast en masse without a thought to the candidates standing. With less than 30%v bothering in the first place it is even more difficult to get past any three party loyalty ticket
Another crazy caper which must have cost the Lib Dem's dearly across the town was the massive effort they put into Castle Ward even though they finished 5th there in 2009. We now have it on good authority that this was an agreed tactic to make sure they got rid of myself and Malcolm for being thorns in their side over the last 4 years. I should grateful for the compliment, but I can't help but think it cost both vote for me and Malcolm in Castle Ward but also probably cost the Lib Dem's a couple of seats they could have saved elsewhere (i.e. Trinity?) if they had used their resources more wisely.
Will the public ever embrace Indeopendents in large enough numbers to make wins regular? Can you only really be succesful as an Independent by not being Independent and forming a new group of "Local Community Activists" under a single banner? Who knows, I would as always value your thoughts.
Anyway on to the election awards. My award for the most unscrupulous campaigning goes to the Lib Dem candidates in Castle Ward who sent an unforgivable letter out to council tenants on the eve of Poll without a Party logo on "official" looking paper signed by Cllr Jane Hollis warning tenants that unless they voted for the three Lib Dem candidates then the Tory's where going to sell off their council homes! One elderly disabled man was in tears when we visited him that night convinced that only a vote for the Lib Dem's would keep him in his home. It was full of the old "Its a two horse race here" this time they told residents the two horse race was between the Lib Dem's and The Tories who finished 5th and 3rd in Castle Ward respectively in 2009
My award for the most pointless and puerile comments came from Les Marriot who fought the Semilong seat for Labour against the Independent candidate Steven Richards. So despite me not even standing for election there he still managed to vent his pipe by attacking me as "Cllr Independent" saying I was only good at making a noise and getting myself in the press and then he attacked me again by informing the voters of Semilong that "Unlike Cllr Independent" he "won't be swanning off down to London" We can only think that was referring to the time that I was one of his parties MP's at Westminster? But what a strange comment.
The stark truth however is that the election result was a bad one for Independents and yet they all fought very hard and they deserved far more recognition than they got in the local media. Those who we printed material for Graham Walker, Steven Richards and Derek Jones mad sterling efforts in their first ever campaigns and I hope they wont lose too much heart at the results. Malcolm Mildren and his partner Maureen were both a rock for me in Castle Ward and as well as being very grateful for their support I would also thank them for their humour, we really did have a fun time!
I would of course also thank John and Marie Dickie, John for being our agent and Marie for putting up with John I would also single out Ann and the gang in Spring Boroughs Peter Witt in Cyril Street and Terry and many others for helping out with deliveries. I also of course thank my family for putting up with me.
Those last two paragraphs should of course have been said as part of a small speech at the count. But candidates, even winning candidates were denied the opportunity to do so in what was a very lack lustre count. No one at the count could really hear what was happening and it was also incredibly difficult to see what was happening and how the votes were accumulating. Gone it seems are the days when the rolls of 50 votes were put in a rack so you could actually see who was winning!
In fact having waited until the next day for the vote to be begin it was all a bit of an anti climax, and as a candidate I felt I was just in the way really, and perhaps that's where we are all headed elected or not? Perhaps the Council will do away with elections and Cllrs and just set up sounding boards to provide an opinion of the management boards intentions? perhaps being a Cllr or not or being elected or not is now immaterial? but if it is then I would like to know why it stings so much not be part of it.
So now you have it, my election ramble for you to digest and add to, and once again unlike other sites censorship will only be applied to either the vulgar and unfair.
I come near to a conclusion by sending my sincere congratulations to the victors Aziz Rahman, Winston Strachan and Danielle Stone. Good luck to you all in representing the people of Castle Ward on the Borough Council, I will of course be monitoring your progress from my position of County Cllr for Castle Ward, but I offer you cooperation in the best interests of the people we both serve and hope we can all bring some credit back to a Local Government system bruised by the electoral over ambition and administrative arrogance of the Liberal Democrats over the last four years.
I also offer congratulations to David Palethorpe and his Tory Group, I shall enjoy watching from the sidelines as another Tony newly elected to the Council in the administrations fold continues to promote the record of Independent thought and action in the Town Hall that I hope myself and Malcolm were reknown for.....
My last act this morning in the Town Hall was set my Council email to "Out of Office" It read "
Sorry but I am out of office!! At least until the next election in 2015. Can I thank all those 740 brave souls who voted for an independent candidate on May 5th 2011 and apologise to you that I was not successful in holding my seat. If you need to reach me on a personal basis my email address is or I am still in action over the road at County Hall as the Independent County Cllr for Castle WardTony
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Thank You
Thank you for visiting "tonyclarkegreenparty" The views expressed here are mine and mine alone. They are made by me personally in my own capacity as free citizen and not as representative of any outside body or council that I may serve on or be employed by. However if anyone is offended by any of these comments or feels that they should be corrected then please contact me in the first instance at and I will do my best to consider your comments and correct any errors.
100 key seats
50th Birthday
Abington Park
absent parents
Academy Status
Adam Simmonds
Adam Simmonds. Police and Crime Commisioner Northamptonshire. Class A drugs
Adam Simmonds. Police commisioner. Northamptonshire County Council
Afro Caribbean
airbrushed for change
Al Quida
Andrew Mitchell
animated fairy story
Anjona Roy
Ann Frank
Ann Timson
Arab League Council
Archway cottages
Arms raid
arrears. Northamptonshire race Equality Council
Ashes to Ashes
Ask a Socialist
Asylum seekers
Baathe Party
bamboo joint
barbecue tax
Bashar Assad
BBC radio 4
Bedroom Tax
benito mussolini
Benjamin Netanyahu
Big Freeze
Big Society
Billy Bragg
black and white cats
Black Swans
Blowing smoke up your skirt
Blue Light Services
boardroom buffoons
Bone marrow
Boris Johnson
borough council boot and shoe
borough council elections
Borough Solicitor
Brian Binley
Brian Hoare
Britain in Bloom
British Government
broken britain
Brown Pelican
Bryn Estyn Children's Home
budget cuts
Bullingdon Club
Bus Interchange
Bus Station
Call in
Captain Ska
Car Park Revenue
car parks
career wreckers
Castle Ward
Castle Ward 2
Catherine Tate
Census 2011
Charity Commision
Chicago Fruit Police
Child Abuse
Chloe Smith
Chris Grayling
Christopher Myers
chronicle and echo
Clement Attlee
Cllr Andrew Simpson
Cllr Andy Mercer
cllr Bill Parker
Cllr Brian Hoare
Cllr Brian Markham
Cllr David Mackintosh
Cllr David Palethorpe
Cllr David Perkins
Cllr Dennis Meredith
Cllr Elizabeth Gowen
Cllr Gareth Eales
Cllr Jean Hawkins
Cllr Jim Harker
Cllr Jim Harker Road Safety
Cllr John Caswell
cllr John Yates
Cllr Malcolm Mildren
Cllr PD Varnsverry
Cllr portia wilson
Cllr Richard Church
Cllr Robin Brown
Cllr Sally Beardsworth
cllr Scott Collins
Cllr Tony Buckley
cllr Tony Clarke
Cllr Tony Woods
Cllr Trini Crake
Clr David Perkins
Clyde Loakes
Coalition government
committee places
Community Basher
conference 2013
Conservative Party
corporate fools
corporate spin
Council tenants
councy council
County Council Election
county council elections
credit crunch
Daily Mail
daniel hannan mep. NHS
Daventry District Council
David Cameron
David Harvey
David Perkins. Brenden Glynane
David Ross
day fotlu
decent homes
Defend Council Housing
Delapre Abbey
democracy wreckers
DIT Britain
Dot Cotton
Ealing Council
Earworm Community
East Midlands in Bloom
East Midlands Labour Party
easy read
Ed Balls
Ed Millaband
Ed Milliband
Elections 2013
Electoral iregularity
Ellis Island
Emilie Oldknow
Emily Oldknow
Empowerment fund
Enterprise Managed Services
Environment Agency
Eric Pickles
ester ranzen
European parliament
F W De Clerk
F*ck you
FAir is worth fighting for
Fairground ducks
Fairytale of New York
Far Right
Fish MArket
fixed penalty notice
Florence and the Machine
Friends of Delapre Abbey
Full Council
Gang Culture
general election
Geoff Howes
George Bush
George Bush Jr
George Osborne
George Osbourne
Glasgow mosque
Golden Handshake
gordon brown
Government Cuts
Grant Shapps
Greedy Bankers
Greek economy
Green Party
growth 1980's
Guantanaomo Bay. Shaker Aamer
Harry Enfield
Havildar Gaje Ghale
Hazel Blears
Help the aged
hope not hate
House of Commons
House of Lords
Housing numbers
Housing. eviction
human rights
Ian Gibson
il duce
Independent Green
Independent Network
Iraq war
Jeremy Clarkson
jerk chicken
Jimmy Carr
Jimmy Saville
Joe Joyce
John Dickie
john gardner
John Lennon
Johnston Press
justice for the 96
Ken Livingstone
Kevin Quigley
Khudadad Khan
La Madala
Labour Group
Labour Party
Lady Wantage
Land Tax
last of the summer wine
Leadership election
league two
Learning difficulty
Learning Disability
Lee Barron
Legal and General
Liar Liar
Lib Dem
Liberal Democrat
Liberal Democrats
libya. david cameron
Likely lads
Lily allen
lloyd grossman
local candidates
local governance
local government
Local Government Association
local press
localism bill
Loft insullation
London Labour
London Olympics
london riots
Loo of the year
Lord Mandelson
Lord Michael Ashcroft
Lord Stuart-Smith
Lord Taylor
Lord Waterhouse
mad as a box of frogs
Mahmoud Abbass
Malcolm Mildren
Margaret Thatcher
Market Square
Market Square Fountain
Market Trader
Martyn Gilleard
May 2ns
Medhi Hussein
Michael Ellis
Michael Foot
Michael Turner QC
Micheal Ellis MP
micheal martin
Middle Classes
Middle East
Mike Ferrigan
Milk Snatcher
Miserable old sod
mk dons
MP's Expenses
mps expenses
Multi Agency Group
Muslim community
Nasseem Nicholas Taleb
Nathan Worrell
National Debt
national front
Nazis. EU
Neil Lewington
Neil Magregor
Nelson Mandela
Neo Nazis
New Statesman
New Year
Nick Clegg
nick clegg.norman clegg
Nick Griffin
Niel Kinnock
Noor Inyat Khan
North Wales Police
Northampton Borough Council
Northampton Chronicle and Echo
Northampton Conservatives
Northampton Independent group
northampton independent voice
Northampton Labour Party
Northampton Labour Party. Northampton Borough Council
Northampton Liberal Democrats
Northampton Saints
Northampton South
Northampton South Conservatives
Northampton Town Football Club
Northamptonshire County Council
Northamptonshire County Council Elections
Northamptonshire Enterprise Limited
Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership
Northamptonshire Music Service
Northamptonshire Police
Norwich North
not all party's are the same
Number 10
Old Labour
Oliver Tambos
Paddy Tipping MP
Palais de Festival
Parish Poll. Police Commissioner Elections
parking services
Party Political Broadcast
Paul Blantern
Paul Varnsverry
Penalty Charge Notices
pest control
pest express
Peter Mandelson
Peter Righton
phillip mears
photos for all occasions
Pinky and Perky
Plain English
Police and crime Commissioner
Police Commisioners
Police Commissioner elections
Pope Francis
porkie pies
President Obama
Professor Pongoo
public consultation
public deficit
Public Service cuts
que sara sara
Radio 4
Rebekah Brooks
refuse collection
regional labour party
Rememberence Sunday
residents parking
Richard Hannon
right wing
Robert Cottage
RPA act
Sally Keeble
Sam King
Seb Coe
Second Life
Shame on you
Shami Chakrabarti
Sheltered Housing
Shona Deans Messinger
silver medal
Simon Cox
Simon Williams
skivers. scroungers
Slipping back in time
spring boroughs
Spring Boroughs Residents
St Andrews
st andrews road
St James
standard and poors
standards board
stealth tax
Stephen Pound MP. Jeffrey Archer
Steptoe and Son
Steve Messham
Stock Market
street lights
Tax Evasion
tax the rich
team GB
Terry Waite
Tess Scott
The Cobblers
The Conservative Party
The Green 'Un
The Green PArty
The Press
The Queen
The Report
The Ridings
The Saints
the story of broke
the story of change
the story of stuff
The Sun
through the keyhole
Till Death do us part"
Tom Watson MP
Tony Blair
Tony Clarke
Tony Clarke MP
Tony Woods
Tory Government
Tory Party
town centre
trade unions
Trevor Kavanagh
TUC Trident
Tuck Inn
TVC E-coli and coliforms
UK debt
UK floods
UK Government
UK riots
UKIP. Green Party
UKIP. Labour Party
Ulric Cross
union flag
unitary authorities
unitary government
Unite against Facism
United Learning Trust
united nations
Unity College
Upper class
usual channels
Varnsverry. Guildhall
Walter Tull
Waltham Forest
welfare cuts
west northamptonshire joint planning unit
Weston Favell School
what's the point of Nick Clegg
William Hague
window dressing
winter wonderland
witch hunt
Working Class
working mens clubs
written questions
youth services