If you missed them and want to catch up, they still remain valid and accurate in their conclusions and can be found here:
The point I and indeed many others were making throughout these and similar posts is that the coalitions reckless cut and burn anti growth budgets would inevitably lead to the strangling of any green shoots of recovery, and that as a result we would still be borrowing huge amounts year on year, and in doing so getting ourselves ever more debt than when we started, this in fact, coupled with the then Euro crisis was the only probable outcome of the coalition governments cut and burn policy..
But to listen to the Chancellor and the PM, they would have you believe that WE not THEY are in the wrong.
So what do you call someone who knowingly tells an untruth? or is being economical with the actualite? someone who tells porkies? whose language is dishonest?
In my world you call them a lying conniving little git, but let's be kind and let you be the judge as to who is lying to who
On the 23rd January 2013 in a scripted party political broadcast on behalf of the Conservative Party the Prime Minister David Cameron said the following:
"So this government has had to make some difficult decisions, we are making progress, we're paying down Britain's debts"Very clear there then, and when he came into office our debts were about £750 bn. So what has he paid them down to after 2 years of austerity ? when asked by the Tories in the same party political broadcast the public said it had perhaps gone down by about 2%, before being told by the Tories it ihad actually reduced by 25%! This 25% reduction figure would put the debt now at around the £562 bn mark or perhaps given the lack of growth it's not quite that good and we still owe £600 bn?
Now if you agree with any of the above then unfortunately you and the Prime Minister are both well dillusined and way out in your mathematics.. You see our debt today in 2012 is in fact £1,100bn.
Or in other words it has grown by almost 50%, now that wasn't mentioned in the broadcast!
The 25% reduction figure they mention is nothing more than the reduction in the total annual borrowing amount (the deficit, between income and spending) We are simply borrowing 25% less each year as we cut public spending on services and pay more out on welfare, at this rate our borrowing will have risen to £1,500 bn by 2018, or in other words doubled since 2010
For clarity here are the official figures from the ONS (Office for National Statistics) as at Dec 2012
Not wanting to be left out the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, desperate as always to match the PM gaffe for gaffe made his own statement saying that the government is:
"wiping the slate clean of debt"
Well Nick, just how clean will it be by the time you leave office in 2015? as according to the ONS below we will be £550 bn more in debt than when you took up your office!
All of the above was revealed in the usually Tory friendly Spectator, who also helpfully told us that those who have fallen for the government's wicked deceit are in fact in the majority, as just 6% of the public actually know that the national debt is rising not falling.
Should we congratulate the government on getting away with such a whopping great falsehood? or be angry at them and the press for allowing such a deception?
I am in the later camp and I believe that the standard of political integrity and honesty has fallen to an all time low, and it;s high time the UK press got off its knees and told the British public the truth.
Our children and grandchildren will not thank us for closing our ears to the truth or swallowing the untruths of the great and the good, for all their sakes it's time for a bit of good old fashioned unbiased honest political commentary.