So its official that Tony Woods has now fallen on his sword after such a long and damaging episode in the body politic which is both Northampton Borough Council and the Northampton Liberal Democrats.
But any relief at his finally seeing the damage he has caused to their collective reputations was immediately turned into disbelief tonight when Cllrs discovered from the Councils Press Release that even his resignation has within it its own clauses and conditions.
It seems as if Tony's decision is to resign.........................but on his own terms.........................and when he is ready to do so !!!
I guess as an engineer he needs to examine his resignation from all
possible angles before postulating on who should succeed him and when.
The press release tells us that his resignation will not be immediate (so much for the King is dead, long live the King) but instead will have effect from the next Council meeting at the end of October.
It also tells us that he has decided (not his group) that he will still be leader when the Cabinet meets next Wednesday in order to ensure that important matters before the meeting are dealt with properly.
In other words any successor couldn't possibly be up to the task of stepping into his shoes and chairing an important cabinet meeting (that will boost the public confidence in his successor) and as such he will lead his way out of the back door on his own terms?
What does this say about the ability of his the current Deputy Leader of the Council and likely candidate for the top job Cllr Brian Hoare? That he is not up to the task of chairing next weeks cabinet? And what message does it send to the rest of his group who may be looking to succeed him? That they two are second best?
But more importantly what message does it send to the public who believe that a resignation is a resignation full stop?
I wonder what would our fan base at the football club say if after we we had sacked Stuart Gray a few weeks ago that we then announced that he would remain in charge for the next two games because they were far too important for any new manager to take charge for?
And what does the new leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, once chosen do until such time as "The Leader" (this time in English rather than Italian) postulates that it is his time to go
Tony Woods seems to have invented a new political end game of snatching turmoil out of the hands of defeat.
Liberal Democrat Councillors must be wondering where will it all end..............................................
The public will thinking a whole lot worse.
But any relief at his finally seeing the damage he has caused to their collective reputations was immediately turned into disbelief tonight when Cllrs discovered from the Councils Press Release that even his resignation has within it its own clauses and conditions.
It seems as if Tony's decision is to resign.........................but on his own terms.........................and when he is ready to do so !!!
I guess as an engineer he needs to examine his resignation from all

The press release tells us that his resignation will not be immediate (so much for the King is dead, long live the King) but instead will have effect from the next Council meeting at the end of October.
It also tells us that he has decided (not his group) that he will still be leader when the Cabinet meets next Wednesday in order to ensure that important matters before the meeting are dealt with properly.
In other words any successor couldn't possibly be up to the task of stepping into his shoes and chairing an important cabinet meeting (that will boost the public confidence in his successor) and as such he will lead his way out of the back door on his own terms?
What does this say about the ability of his the current Deputy Leader of the Council and likely candidate for the top job Cllr Brian Hoare? That he is not up to the task of chairing next weeks cabinet? And what message does it send to the rest of his group who may be looking to succeed him? That they two are second best?
But more importantly what message does it send to the public who believe that a resignation is a resignation full stop?
I wonder what would our fan base at the football club say if after we we had sacked Stuart Gray a few weeks ago that we then announced that he would remain in charge for the next two games because they were far too important for any new manager to take charge for?
And what does the new leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, once chosen do until such time as "The Leader" (this time in English rather than Italian) postulates that it is his time to go
Tony Woods seems to have invented a new political end game of snatching turmoil out of the hands of defeat.
Liberal Democrat Councillors must be wondering where will it all end..............................................
The public will thinking a whole lot worse.