It's not that we are fickle, or that we really wish them any ill, it's just gratifying in some pleasing way that these people acting as representatives of their own kind were finally getting their comeuppance.

Likewise with the poor Bankers, lets have a bit more transparency from these troubled souls, after all the banks are only too keen to tell us it would be far better for us all if we let them know in advance of any difficulties we are having with our personal finances, so please don't wait for us to contact you, get in touch, talk to us, tell us why on such huge salaries you felt the need to evade income tax by stashing money away in offshore accounts. I mean I can almost understand why you didn't want to put it into a British bank at the moment, after all who trusts them?
Back to Fleet Street, or Wapping as it now is, Sun editor Trevor Kavanaugh is busy berating the local plod for "Stasi" like tactics, using his red topped rag to tell all that still had a stomach to listen, that his staff had been subject to a "Witch Hunt" and complained about their privacy being invaded at their homes, poor old soldiers! At least they will now also taste their 15 minutes of fame or infamy!
I am not sure what the collective noun is for a bunch of corrupt, seedy, greedy and unscrupulous Bankers and Red Top Hacks is?
But I am guessing they would be a brood, after all I can't remember a time when so many chickens were coming home to roost!