“stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality”.
"Hear Hear" shout the Chinese government pleased with their latest convert to censorship. Despite century's of Britain's being on the side of freedom of speech and expression we are now standing shoulder to shoulder with the dictators and despots who want to silence the people.
And if you want a measure of the man then lets look at what he said just a few months back during the Arab Spring and the Internet led uprisings in the Middle East
"[The movement] belongs to a new generation for whom technology - the Internet and social media - is a powerful tool in the hands of citizens, not a means of repression."
This respect for human rights and freedom of Internet traffic also until a few days ago seemed to include China for Dave as well in 2010 when speaking in Peking University when he said
“There is no secret that we disagree on some issues, “especially around human rights. We don’t raise these issues to make to us look good or to flaunt publicly that we have done so. We raise them because the British people expect us to, and because we have sincere and deeply held concerns.”
Not so deep now they seem as Chinese government officials fall over themselves to praise their new convert to electronic censorship as the Chinese media declared that:
'Britain's new attitude will help appease the quarrels between East and West over the future management of the Internet. As for China, advocates of an unlimited development of the Internet should think twice about their original ideas.'"
Such praise from such a source should not be taken lightly. nor should it be welcomed
Well Done Dave, uturn if you want to, but the interweb is not for turning.
If I fail to blog in future days expect to find me under political arrest for crimes against the state!
The world has officially gone mad.
ReplyDeleteThe once truly independent, if not slightly one strawberry short of a punnet, Fitzy is now helping Tory MP Ellis raise his profile on the market square.
Shame on Fitzy - are there no consistents left?
Fitzy will jump on whatever bandwagon rolls along, just like Paul Varnsverry did.
ReplyDeleteHe's very quiet just now after his humiliating fall from the high pedeste of powerl!
What sly plot is he hatchin"? Maybe a new party with Fitzy? About right eh?
Sorry "PEDESTAL" of power.
ReplyDeleteToo much wodka or is it vodka? Whatever.
Hmmm, I guess you guys are itching for some more local stories?
ReplyDeleteWell worry not, plenty to come very soon.
Ooooo the spelling monitor is in the house. Come on Tony even you can see that old Fitzy has got this one wrong.
ReplyDeleteJust a little spot of self correction or (putting it right). Is that OK?
Fitzy 'N Varnsverry for Sheriff and Deputy What a duo.
Fitzy can teach us how to flog a few vegetables and Varnsverry can teach us what? How to flog a 'dead horse' perhaps!
Self correction is a worthy attribute Anon - I'm OK with that.
ReplyDeleteYes to Fitzy teaching us a few things about vegetables, Varns can teach us a thing or too about being a vegetable.
Dead horses and flogging come to mind - especially if Fitzy stands again. I will demand he takes tuppence of my usual bag of tangerines - he is using it as his deposit (which is never returned!)
Talking of shortchange.....
ReplyDeleteJapanese man in America gets $76 dollars when he changed 2000 yen and the next day he only got $69 when he tendered the same amount.
He asked of the teller, Why so little?
"Fluctuations" said the teller.
"Fluc you Amelicans too" said the Japanese as he stormed out.
"Once a vegetable always ............". I like it CWM.
CWM Fitzy is just...........Well Fitzy, and he probably did better from the story than Micheal Ellis!