It is an absolute insult to the electorate of Northampton that her Majesty's official opposition in Government can fail to stand candidates in 14 of the 45 contested seats in this years Borough Council Elections.
The Labour Party's latest ineptitude means that in many areas of the town including Boothville, Rectory Farm, Park, East Hunsbury and Upton that voters can only choose between Conservative and Lib Dem candidates, and at a time when Local Government cuts are being imposed at our Town and County Hall By A Tory Lib Dem coallition then that choice is the equivalent of a condemned man being asked if he wants to be hung or shot.
There are also no Labour candidates standing in Parklands, Phippsville, Nene Valley or West Hunsbury, but at least in these seats people wanting to vote against the coallition can choose from Independent, (Nene Valley) Christian Peoples Alliance (Parklands West Hunsbury) UKIP (Parklands) or Green (Phippsville)
What really surprises me about all this though is that up to now we have been told that Labour's local difficulties were all my fault, and confined only to Northampton South, but as can be seen from the list above, and after less than a year without Ms Keeble (Porter) on the scene the organisation in the Northampton North Constituency seems also to have collapsed.
Well I hope the regional party don't try to pin this one me as well! Or perhaps it was John Dickies fault? or Geoff Howes or Peter Evans? One thing is for sure, it would never of happened with Anjona Roy as Agent, but of course they expelled her as well!
I get a lot of stick from Mrs Clarke and the kids for my car radio listening choice but I care not, as it seems this is the last vestige of the truth left on the BBC and or within the British media. This morning their was a very enlightening interview with Colonel Gaddafi's son Saif about the defection of Libya's ex Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa, remember him?

Anyhow now it seems as if Moussa Koussa actually left Libya for Tunisia on sick leave some time ago and made contact with the Brits not because he wanted to share all Colonel Gaddafi's closest secrets with us, but because he is receiving treatment every three months at the private and exclusive Cromwell Hospital in London!
As for those juicy details on past crimes of the Libyan state, as most of us imagined, Saif Gaddafi said
"We have already told the British Government everything they want to know about Lockerbie and the embassy shootings, they know everything"
Still on Libya, the Commons’ Committee on Arms Export Controls has just released a damning report on Britain's Arms sales to? you guessed it Colonel Gaddafi's regime in Libya. It seems that successive governments are guilty of selling weapons to Libya and other dictatorships in North Africa and the Middle East just four months before Gaddafi’s regime slaughtered hundreds of protesters, a damning report reveals today. Ministers approved the export of sniper rifles, bullets, tear gas and other ‘crowd control’ ammunition to Tripoli shortly Gaddafi ordered his military to crush a pro-democracy uprising.
Gaddafi used the UK-made arms against the rebel uprising in Libya were an estimated 1,000 Libyan citizens have been killed since his violent crackdown was launched. Since 2009, Britain approved export licences worth £2.3billion to 16 states over a 21-month period. Military export licenses to Libya alone since the start of 2009 totalled £61.3million, according to Department for Business figures.
The UK also awarded Bahrain £6million of licences covering sub machine guns, sniper rifles, CS hand grenades, smoke canisters, stun grenades and riot control agents. At least 26 citizens have been killed and 1,000 injured in Bahrain as the Gulf state cracked down on freedom campaigners.
Britain also approved arms licenses totalling £1.7billion to Saudi Arabia, £20.4million to Egypt, £276.9million to Algeria and £52.8million to the United Arab Emirates. Body armour and night vision goggles have been approved for Yemen, small arms ammunition for Syria, and sniper rifles, aircraft components and armoured personnel carriers for Saudi Arabia.
Oh, and now Foreign Secretary William Hague is hinting on arming the rebels as well.
Its a dirty and lucrative trade War! and Government!
Well after my perfect prediction on this blog of the General Election result in N'pton South I promised not to become involved again Tony and then ..... I saw the list of candidates on line for the NBC election. It is a bad old day for democracy in Northampton.
ReplyDeleteFor the Lib Dems it looks like the Glynane family are taking over and good old Mike Beardsworth is having another go (he must be over 100 now?)
You are right Tony, its amazing Labour are fielding such a small list and most of them are re-treads. Rawlings in Delapre? The pompous 'I am my biggest fan' (you can tell I like him) has only just come back from the Lib Dems. Some people have no shame.
Sadly my fellow Indys fair no better - Bricher will get 0.00004% of the vote as usual, claim his support is growing (meaning he will be a Cllr when he 238) and then carry on writing to the Chron every week. The Public Services crew are standing up in Duston again where most people a)don't use public services and b)don't care about public services and then Fitzy...the Lord Such of Northampton.
Its only the Tories that seem to be winning the sane game this year.
Come on Tony - lets have an early prediction of the result.
Early prediction?
ReplyDeleteWell Labour will gain seats from a low base, despite fielding 14 short they will reach double figures.
the Lib dems will be decimated from a high base but will save face due to Labour not standing in some seats and the anti Toory vote maximising.
The Tories will look to gain but really find it difficult to do much more than tread water, again saving some face by default.
And the Independent/non aligned? well its always tough, after all my success last time is only the second non party elected win ever, but expect a few surprises!
Result overall? Hung Council with the Independents/non aligned holding the balance of power.
My name is Gary,
ReplyDeleteI am so disappointed that I haven't any one to vote for.
I live on Recotory Farm and it will be the first time ever for me not to vote in a election.
Come on, lets have an Independant, if they was half decent like Tony I would vote for them!
Gary, a lot of people like you are going to feel helpless on polling day, and it's difficult not to be angry at what they have done.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have more Independents stand, and I think there is a record number this year compared with previous elections.
I guess the non Tory/Lib Dem vote will just stay at home on the day or spoil their ballot paper, it's a pity you can't vote for none of the above and call a by-election if the candidate fail to get a certain % of the vote.
This really is deju vous from the General Election. We had lots of 'Gary Anonymous' then that blogged on the wonders of Tony which were followed by Tony replying that it was a growing view ....
ReplyDeleteThe challenge you have Gary is none of the Independents standing are true independents. Every one of them has a primary reason which is not independency for being Independent that led them to standing.... Tony found his independence second to the Labour Party helping him raise his profile, Malcolm ditto but times two, Fitzy is for market traders, Briches is led by his religious doctrine, the Duston Duo are obsessed with public services.
Find me the man or woman whose first choice and record is standing truly independently.
Norman Adams
ReplyDeleteIndepenDENSE comment “the Duston Duo are obsessed with public services” what is wrong with wishing to save public services from the vicious cuts on the agenda, and is it not the function of a council to deliver public services?
Nothing wrong with that Norman - it's just that the 'Duo' stood in Duston when Labour were in office locally and nationally investing record amounts into the public services. They can't have it both ways can they?
ReplyDeleteNorman Adams
ReplyDeleteIndepenDENSE you say "They can't have it both ways can they?
I think you will find that the "Duo" would point out that they don't agree with the need for any cuts, be it Conservative = vicious or Labour = better our cuts than their cuts!.
IndepenDENSE, I think your comment misrepresents and or misunderstand the position of those in non aligned Party's.
ReplyDeleteYes I was a member of the Labour Party for over 25 years and throughout that time I was staunchly Independent as my voting record before and after entering Parliament clearly shows. Yes I am Socialist and those and that is my political identity, but I was expelled for not towing the line, and it has become impossible for many to be part of any of the three party's because all expect slavish obedience and a lack of any political input from their members.
Take the current military action in Libya as an example. All three leaders announced on day one that their respective party's were 100% behind the action, but who asked their members what they thought? Why didn't they contact constituency secretarys and say @Can you organise an emergency Constituency meeting/poll to help us indicate support/views!
A number of the Independent/Non aligned candidates were members of other party's but they now stand against BECAUSE they are Independent rather than as you suggest still carry their party allegience.
As for having single faceted ideals, yes that can be said against the CPA and UKIP, but as for SOS well Local Government is about Public Services? from Housing to Horticulture so they are spot on in standing on a ticket to protect public services from continual cuts endorsed by all three of the main political colours.
I hear your point Norman but I can't do anything about your selective memory. I am no Labour supporter but I have friends who live in Duston who were canvassed at a time when millions of pounds were being thrown into the NHS and public services, more nurses and doctors were being employed than ever before and the Duston Duo still said vote for us!
ReplyDeleteTony - frm following the press over the last few years (and yourt blog) I thought you were expelled for standing against Labour not 'towing the party line'?
You are winding me up aren't you over Libya?
UN Genereal Secretary - "Mr Milliband, as the Leader of HM Opposition do you support the urgent resolution on Libya?"
Leader of HM Opposition - "Well I do Mr Moon but I just need to get my local parties to get the letters out to their members, pull together meetings, pass their motions and then feed them back to HQ. Then I can let you know."
UN General Secretary - "Ok thanks for that. We will just put the Russians and Chinese on hold and get Colnel Gadaffi to back down for a few weeks. How long will it take?"
Leader of HM Opposition - "we want to make sure all our members are consulted and some will not be able to get to the meetings so if we are to be a truly democratic party I can get back to you with a set of words by May. 2012."
I still dont get how people think SOS have a valid point when they stood against parties in the past who increased investment in public services?
Norman Adams
On your point of my selective memory, Save Our Service have until this election never had more than one candidate in Duston … so vote for us was never said, that you have friends who live in Duston I will not question, BUT the fact that Save Our Services by your own admission did canvass – on the door step seems to been appreciated by many….
This is the last post today – out to campaign
...apart from those that voted Norman, apart from those that voted. You still have not answered how you campaign to stop cuts now but campaigned previously against a Government that increased funding for public services?
ReplyDeleteIndepenDENSE, my expulsion was automatic because I stood against the official candidate but you need to read my very long blog on the subject to get the whole story.
ReplyDeleteAs to Libya, there is nothing wrong with Un res 1973, it is to be applauded, and all of the leaders could have done so, but the questions were.
A) Should Britain along with France and the United States involve itself in its enforcement at that given time,
B) Given the lack of clarity from William Vague and the PM on what enforcing the resolution means and how far we should go, how much licence should we give them.
And yes in a democracy you should have to engage in dialogue with your members, it would have taken 24 -48 hrs maximum and would have given a clear mandate.
The opposite view is that when a candidate knocks on your door and you ask him/her their view that you are happy with them saying "My view is whatever my party leaders tells me my view is"
To come to Norman's defence, (not that he needs it) successive governments have cut back on public spending within Local Government, most of Labours spending was in the NHS and in Education which of course is controlled by the schools under LMS. ALL of the parties have reduced expenditure in Local Government and we now all pay more Council Tax for less service.
Norman Adams
ReplyDeleteIndepenDENSE said...
...apart from those that voted Norman, apart from those that voted.
You are poorly informed – or thick!
Last time out in Old Duston, the 2009 County Council election Northampton – Save Our Public Services polled 950 votes (39.6%) Labour got 14.6% and the Lib Dems 3.7%
I thought you were out canvassing Norman? No not poorly informed and I'll leave others to judge my intellect. My apologies if I offended you and your 950 votes. For the record, (i) what % of the population of Old Duston is 950 and (ii) how many did the winning Tory get?
ReplyDeleteThe winning Tory had a majority of 61 - so as not to offend your intellect I will let you do the mathematics.
ReplyDeletegood night
I tell you what Norman - I hope you deal with people on the doorstep who disagree with you better than you have with me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the information on one of my queries. You do omit that your 950 votes make up roughly 15% of the people that were entitled to vote in that ward.
In saying that though, just under 40% of those voting is admirable. Do you think you can win this time?
SOS's 39.6% of the vote is actually higher than what Tony Clarke got in Castle Ward.
ReplyDeleteCorrect Castle Ward Mafia, I only got 38.9%, 0.7% less! But there were 5 candidates in Castle and the Greens did very well in polling over 200 votes and 10.3% of the vote. In Duston there were 4 candidates and Dave almost got there.
ReplyDeleteWhat's interesting and perhaps to be repeated is that in 2009, the Lib Dems came last in both wards, and yet they are still putting out leaflets saying the election is between them and the Tories! And don't even mention that there are Independents at the Town Hall!
I am with you there Tony - the Lib Dems always do that which made the prosecution of Phil Woolas up in Oldham even more galling. The Lib Dems moaning because of mis-leading leaflets? Kettles and Pots being black come to mind. My vote has moved around over the years but will never vote Lib Dem again. Let down locally, let down nationally.
I missed this blog so have not really got up to speed as it were, but I just wanted to answer you; IndepenDENSE...
ReplyDeleteYour comment about Duston not using or caring about public tansport, is sadly misguided.
I, and many others use the buses almost everyday. It IS a worry/bother that they are either late or do not run. It is also ruddy (is that allowed?) annoying that we used to have three buses an hour; while now we only have two.
And I can also assure you that in the very near future I can see more people needing the bus services; what with the price of petrol etc. (who can afford something like £80 per full tank of petrol?)
On a lighter note, I think you should stand; you make me smile!
now, now children. Let's have less of the he said she said politics and certainly more discussion on local stuff. Leave the libya conflict to those who may or may not have some influence on what's happening.
ReplyDeleteOne thing is for sure in my humble opinion - the Liberal Democrats have an awful lot of answering to do. I truly believe that there is not a man/woman among them with genuine business acumen and absolutely not one with common sense.
Tony, can we have a little less of what you were and what you did and more information on your future intentions should you be elected please. Be big enough not to get drawn into tit for tat feeble childish tired debate about nonsense.
An awful lot of heads need to be banged together if this town is ever to get out of the mire that successive administrations have stuck it in.
Miss A Nobody you had me there - I never think of buses as a public service. I suppose that more and more people in Duston have cars now and the bus becomes something for the smaller and smaller minority.
ReplyDeleteIt is an example of why SOS should not be putting their shoulder to Duston and should be standing in other areas.
I would stand but feel the level of debate in Council would never live upto the quality we have on Tony's blog.
When I said there was a distinct lack of business acumen within the Liberal Democrats, take it to mean locally.
ReplyDeleteWow this is almost a debate! Anon, I am the sum total of all my expiriences, so who I have been is as much a part of who I am and who I will become.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment that is a voice of reason on a Council which is ever imploding.
My one frustration from the last four years is that the Independent group ended up as a brilliant opposition in the face of little or no resistance from the Labour Party or the Tories to join in.
I prefer to be part of building Northampton's future than simply shouting from the sidelines, but the arrogance of the last Lib dem administration made that impossible, they just refused to listen to anyone and made their own errors, which they then owned 100%
After the election in a hung council I believe we have the opportunity if we have a small group of being the Councils conscience and also its check and balance against party political manouvering. Who knows we may even hold the balance of power.
I do disagree on not having an opinion on world affairs though, I am a local politician who is part of a global family and the hurt to me is the same if it happens next door or on the next continent.
Finally a plea to the Anon's throw off your chains of secret oppresion and join the identified alternative, you can even make a name up if it helps at least then we will know the anons from the anons if you get my drift!
A new blog coming over the weekend, I am open to suggestions for topics for future blogs as well particularly during the election period.
You might have a point there IndepenDENSE, it is sometimes (note I said sometimes ~ and the change in name. Tony will explain) far more fun here.
ReplyDeleteNew Duston has always had problems with the buses, when we first moved here about 25 years ago; there was no bus service! It was hard to do anything, and yes we were/are lucky to have a car.
But people like me (who cannot drive ~ only people up the wall) and those that cannot afford to drive, NEED the buses.
SOS might not be the right choice here, but they have to try. Maybe what we need is someone else willing to a: take on the Tories, and b: is promoting (sorry about spelling ~ it's late again) local issues ~ including the public services?
ReplyDeleteNo ties. No policies and no manifesto either, so no chance of being challenged for not living up to election promises you never made.
Tell the people what they want to hear. Just don't write it down.
Another Mr Anonymous!! Come on, have a bit of courage and show yourself.
ReplyDeleteYour comment was in my "moderation" box, but I have published it as you are entitled to your opinion.
We actually (individually) make lots of promises, including those in the Bell Principles, but unlike the main parties we don't conveiniently forgot our promises after an election!!