As always to keep people in the loop as to our local campaigning I copy below jpegs of our election leaflets so far. Please click on them for bigger pictures. These were our draft sheets for proof reading prior to print so no wise cracks on the typos please!
In addition to Castle Ward the little Risograph in the back room has also been churning out material by the Independent candidates in Delapre & Briar Hill (Graham Walker) Semilong (Steven Richards) and St James (Derek Jones)
All leaflets are printed on paper from sustainable sources and with Soya (vegatable) Ink so even our Green Party friends who get a mention on each leaflet will be happy.
I hope you enjoy, comments always welcome, and more leaflets to come!!
A3 Intro front |
A3 Intro back |
Postal Vote front |
Postal Vote back |
Billing Road Special front |
Billing Road Special back |
Why do the Greens get a 'positive' mention on your leaflet? (on the pretend ballot paper) I feel that true independents should be exactly that. When was a decision made to align with the party (I thought independents rejected party whips and all that) which means you are promoting their policies - one of which from the Greens is to reduce the amount of flights I can take every year? Why should a political party stop me and my family going on holidays I work really hard for every year?
ReplyDeleteI have to say that FCF is right on this one Tony - your covering letter says the candidates you are backing will put people before party. That is not what the Green's do.
ReplyDeleteIs this the first nail in the coffin of true independence or is just proof of my earlier blogs on here - all indepedents can not claim to be independent.
We now have 'Independents backing the Greens' in Castle Ward which is oxymoronic.
Far from it FCF All Independent candidates are just that, Independent and have no whip. An the Greens are putting people before party by agreeing to be part of a peoples coallition and not split the vote in seats where it would be pointless to do so
ReplyDeleteSo rather than extend the ballot paper to over a foot long some Independents (if they so wish) together with candidates from SOS and from the greens decided we would support the Peoples Coallition against cuts to local government services and not stand more candidates in seats than there were vacancies to give voters the opportunity to use all their votes for candidates outside of the big three and candidates who are against the cuts.
It is for each Independent candidate to independently decide how to or whether to promote this as they wish.
Myself and Malcolm are happy to give Julie Hawkins a mention as she is a good candidate offering something different from the big three.
Followers of this site might also like to look at previous leaflets where I have given a fair precis of all the candidates and their abilities to help the electorate make a fair choice.
This time apart from Malcolm and myself I would say vote Green as a second preference.
From there I would rate two of the three Labour candidates as having a decent pedigree Mohammad Aziz and Winston Strachan (The third is unkmown to me) and of the Lib Dems Jane Hollis is a hard worker, (the others again unknown) The Tory's it seems are not interested.
So the message is very clear.
You have three votes:
Vote Clarke & Mildren and consider using your third vote for Julie Hawkins Green.
In addition I have a soft spot for Mohhammad Aziz, Winston Strachan and Jane Hollis in that order if people are looking to use their third vote for a mainstream candidate.
I appreciate such open and honest consideration and cooperation is unusual in local politics, but perhaps thats part of what needs to change?
IndepenDENSE, you have a blog? Aww, why did I not know about this!?! It would be good to hear your views more.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing against Winston or Aziz; I don't know their third canidate. Also I have nothing against Julie either. And you know I love you two to bits...
But... Why are you promoting one candiate over the others? Why not just tell me to vote for you and Malcolm and then use their other vote as they wish?
This bothers me about politicians, I don't need to be told who to vote for. Just give me facts (not lies) and let me make my own mind up!
You don't need people treating us voters like childern when you are an adult, otherwise what's the point of voting for/wanting freedom of speech?
Nicky, sounds lot like the comment on our Postal Vote letter, i.e.
ReplyDelete"We wish all the candidates well in the election and hope that whoever is successful will represent Castle Ward to the best of their ability"
Of course we want people to vote for Malcolm and myself first, but don 't forget candidates are voters too.
And so I will vote for Clarke, Mildren and .........................
Any views?
It's all getting too much about people rather than politics now!
ReplyDeleteThink I blogged this before but all great historical movers, shakers and reformers have all been part of big party machines. MLK, Ghandi, Mandela, Wilberforce, Bradlaugh.
Local independents looking into their own belly buttons about who to place third in a ward in a tired old town may get some bin bags collected and holes in the road filled but will it really change anything in the long term?
My goodness IndepenDENSE what on earth do you want?A world movement that will shake the world or a local council that will do-well 'local' things!
ReplyDeleteOddly enough your list of movers and shakers were often outside the mainstream of their big party machines-indeed Bradlaugh was barely considered a liberal by most of his party leadership!
There is a curious misconception going through this thread that to be an independent is to leave all political thought outside the door!
There was a time of course when to be an independent in local affairs meant being a Tory in disguise,it still happens,I note one Tory candidate for NBC describes himself as an independent on his parish council nomination.
But there is an independent who shares many views with others in parties,but not an absolute alignment.
For instance I still share many ideas with the Labour Party(although not the current hollowed out shell) and I even share some views with the Lib-Dems.
But after 40 years in active politics I find myself going back to a position I held many decades ago.Indeed I find myself having more in common with the Greens,the SNP and even Plaid!
By the way I really don't think the Greens are about stopping people flying out to any of the Costa's but just remind people of the consequences.
So in summary-independents have political ideas and values you just cannot tie them into the straightjacket of modern centralist views.
I shall vote Yes in the referendum in the referendum in the possibly misguided view that such a move will encourage a thousand flowers to bloom.
I remain an independently minded Jeffersonian Marxist.
Alderman Dickie is right - use your party to get you into the mainstream and then criticise it to hell when it doesn't do what you want and go it alone.
ReplyDeleteHe is also right about the Greens - they work hard to 'remind people of the consequences'; thats the sort of direct full on politics we need.
Let the flowers bloom.
Is it any wonder this town remains deeply embedded in the mire?
ReplyDeleteI have never seen so much manure written about nothing.
Ahhh, Tony; you know who I think you should vote for mate...
ReplyDeleteBut someone stopped me from that train of thought and action didn't they!
You don't need me to tell you; or anyone else who they should vote for. It isn't (or shouldn't be) for any other reason than he OR she will work hard and loyally for those they represent (spelling again ~ sorry) in their wards...
Mind you though, that's saying nothing about lazy councillors is it... but that's another AV blog there isn't it?
Hmmm criticism! Is there an election on by any chance!
ReplyDeleteStill no censorship here, not like in my old party.
Btw Jefferson, it was less them not doing as we wanted and more lying, cheating and breaking their own party rules and if theybwant to sue me for saying so then I say bring it on.
The truth will always out.
That about sums its all up I think - I am sure the Midlands Labour Party (or whatever they are called) have better things to do than sue a disgruntled former party member for calling them liars and cheats.
ReplyDeleteYou are right though - when I hear 'liars and cheats' banded about outside of the playground (you can tell what my profession is) then it is indeed election time.
JF both words were carefully selected. see my first ever posting and you will understand.
ReplyDeleteAs for having better things to do, I agree with you but undortunately I have to declare us both wrong. despite only contesting 31 pf the 45 seats in the Borough 5 candidatesvhave confirmed to me that when they went for their interviews for the party panel (from which they select candidates) that they were asked the following two questions by the East Midlands Party officers.
1) Do you know Tony Clarke?
2) What do you think about Tony Clarke?
One poor hopeful who used to work behind the bar in the Labour club was even asked "Have youbever served Tony Clarke with a drink?
If the above were not true it would be funny but for me I just wish they would move on, I have.
Why are you so surprised at those questions is my question (if that makes sense)
ReplyDeleteTony you know you were a big player in the Labour Party until you moved on and since then (according to the newspapers and this blog) have done your best to run down the Labour Party and those involved in it.
If I were interviewing, I would want to know if would be candidates had (a)anything to do with the most vocal opponent of the organisations aims and (b) what did they think of that person.
Good to see that you have moved on. You just need to tell that guy masquerading as you on this blog who keeps harping on about the region.
indepenDENSE I think any trawl of the posts on this site would find an equal disdain for all the big three not just the Labour Party!
ReplyDeleteOn tags alone East Midlands Labour score 8, The Labour Party 6 Northampton Conservatives 6 and Northampton Liberal Democrats 35! (But they are a special case)
I will expose wrongdoing and incompetence whatever the colour of rossette the perpetrator may be wearing
Awww IndepenDENSE, you still make me smile!
ReplyDeleteWe seem to be saying the same thing to Tony ~ though he is right, the Northampton Lib Dems are clearly a special case hehehehe.
Tony, mate; you KNOW that I am not giving you criticism! You know who it was aimed at too. I think you are the only person who has never censored me, even when we disagree; you allow me to say what I think & feel without moaning!!!
When Tony blogged "...I will expose wrongdoing and incompetence whatever the colour of rossette the perpetrator may be wearing..." I seriously expected the sound of a trumpet and a Marvel Comics theme tune.
ReplyDeleteIf you can promise to leap over small buildings and discover truth and justice too then I will support you.
East Midlands Labour scoring an 8 is not something to be proud off. They get more than the Tories who are a far bigger threat than the people in Nottingham.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to know that in a small town like Northampton there are two of us who share the enlightenment views of Tom Jefferson and the social critique of Karl!
ReplyDeleteTell me JM-How significant do you think Engels 'Condition of the English Working Class' was in clarifying the Old Moor's thoughts on social class?
And did TJ really have a child with one of his slaves?
Your thoughts would be welcome-and by the way why are you not putting up a candidate in Standens Barn and other places too?Can't blame everything on Ulric !
From the Chronicle & Echo, Tuesday July 10 2001
ReplyDeleteTony Clarke was one of the first to be caught in Northampton's parking blitz, despite stepping in at the 11th hour to put the scheme in place.
A parking squad showed no remorse when they discovered a ticket had expired on Mr. Clarke's burgundy Mercedes.
[Edit much whining from T. Clarke that it was all somebody else's fault]
Mr Clarke was instrumental in ensuring the Transfer of Parking Powers scheme (TOPPS) came into force after he was contacted by borough council officers on the day Parliament was dissolved.
If Mr Clarke had not managed to get the approval of the then Transport Minister, Keith Hill, TOPPS would have been delayed.
The poor booby. He simply doesn't learn does he? You reap what you sew.
JM - thanks for the lovely image of Tony in spandex tights and a cape!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to need mental bleach now!!
And Anon; please do us ALL a favour and tell us your REAL name, if you are going to hit someone below the belt then at least be honest & decent enough to put your real name to it. If you were actually interested in honest & open
Debate then use your real name & let's have one!
(incase you are wondering, I have a HUGE bug bare about Anon's, especially right now!!!)
Anon, I wish I could step in again and give the power back to NBC, because since it was given to NCC, who then outsourced it to a private company in Kent, the Borough Council who should be running the scheme have turned a blind eye to the County Councils excesses, currently running at a £1m profit a year!
ReplyDeleteYou also missed out that I was deputy chair of Traffic in 1992 when the first residents parking scheme was instigated, but I refuse to take the blame for years of Tory and Lib Dem abuse of the scheme ever since.
"Use your real name" says Miss A. Nobody. Laugh? I nearly spilled my pint.
ReplyDeleteI would be happy to post my real name. This web site wouldn't let me! Perhaps Miss A. Nobody, IndepenDENSE, Jefferson Marxist, smell the roses etc hit the same problem?
Not at all anon.
ReplyDeleteHaven't a problem posting my real name.
But please, after you...
I am sure if you post it here, the site will let you.
I know it will me... but like I said you first.