You see about 2 years ago a sitting Liberal Democrat Councillor, knocked on the door of one of their elderly constituents just before Xmas and told them that they (the Cllr) were in so much debt that if they didn't find £150 then the bailiffs would be paying them a visit! And then in a complete reversal of the normal councillor/constituent relationship the Lib Dem Cllr asked the pensioner to lend them the £150 with sincere promises to pay it back.
Now obviously the words "promises" and "Liberal Democrats" do not sit well together in the best of circumstances, but here we had an elected member of the Borough Council going far beyond asking someone to lend them their vote. Disgraceful I hear you cry, but we have only just begun.
The money was not pf course paid back, so the pensioner wrote to me and others asking if I we could intervene. A telephone call with the Chief Executive and the Borough Solicitor determined that the matter of money owed was of course a private civil matter between the two people lender and recipient, but the Councillor in question may have bought the council or their office into disrepute, so a standards board complaint could be raised. This could if the Cllr was found in breach of the code lead to them being suspended for a period of time or even barred from the council, but as the Cllr in question has only attended a handful of meetings since their election, this would have been a reward not a penalty and still would not have got the pensioner his money back.
So after mulling things over I decided instead to call upon the moral compass and good nature of the Leader of the Council in his role as Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group to help me resolve the matter, my request was simple.
"Brian. this sort of despicable behaviour reflects badly on all of us, will you please raise this matter with your group, and can I ask that the debt is paid by the Liberal Democrat group from their funds and then reclaimed from the Cllr from their expenses"
I told him I had no appetite for a pointless standards board meeting, particularly as the Cllr in question would not be standing for re-election (thankfully) and left it with him to resolve internally and come back to me once it was resolved. (so much for comments from the Lib Dem benches as to me being over political, for once I cared nothing for the political fallout, I just wanted the old guy to get his money back

Another Lib Dem member on the Council, obviously with a conscience informed me when I raised it with them that the group had decided not to pay the debt on the Cllr's behalf.
The weakness of leadership in such a situation is depressing, the lack of willingness by the collective whole to act decently to correct the wrongs of one of their own staggering. But now at least you know the measure of the people you are dealing with on the doorstep over the next few weeks.
£150 wouldn't even buy them a focus leaflet, and I still give Brian Hoare the opportunity through this page to tell me he has now dealt with this matter or plans to do so, but it should not have taken me to write these words to spur them into action, their inaction so far on this matter speaks far louder than my words ever can
Now not being a Sherlock Homes this article had me thinking? As I attend most council meetings which councillor as only attended an handful – answers on a post card please
ReplyDeleteCouncillor Mel de Cruz
Councillor Sally Beardsworth
Councillor Prince Sadik Chaudhury
Councillor Richard Church
Councillor Scott Collins
Councillor Jenny Conroy
Councillor Roger Conroy
Councillor Maria-Trinidad Crake
Councillor David Garlick
Councillor Brendan Glynane
Councillor Brian Hoare
Councillor Jane Hollis
Councillor Brian Markham
Councillor Irene Markham
Councillor Richard Matthews
Councillor Dennis Meredith
Councillor David Perkins
Councillor Andrew Simpson
Councillor Marianne Taylor
Councillor Pam M Varnsverry
Councillor Paul D Varnsverry
Councillor Portia Wilson
Councillor Anthony Woods
Anon, my interest is not in the Cllr involved, its not hard to work out the culprit but they are not standing again in May, but the leader of the group is and that's why I am concentrating on what he and his group didn't do when asked to act with a bit of decency. Surely they were embarrassed by the actions of one of their own? And would want to ensure the pensioner was repaid? What the Councillor did was unforgivable, bur what tne group has failed to do once notified is in my view even worse.
ReplyDelete13 comments and only 2 on the subject of the blog!!!
ReplyDeleteI am losing the will!!!
not quite 2 tony, bar st. john the gullible, the rest represent the issue, in a wider perspective , lib/dem use and abuses of power. NAMES PLEASE!
ReplyDeleteAnon, until the Leader of their group takes action then they are all guilty by association, remember this Cllr will be continuing to draw nearly £500 a month net from NBC as a Cllr and yet can't find £150 of it to repay their debt.
ReplyDeleteJesus H Christ, reading these replies is it any wonder that the voters (remember them?) have lost any trust or interest they once had in local politics? If the lady above and others here want to indulge in a private slanging match, please go away and start it somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteBack to Tony's article (remember that?) - The spineless behaviour of the LDs in this matter should not surprise anyone. Pay the old boy back if you have an ounce of decency between you.
I despair, I really do!
Just for Clarity stjohnlady asked me to remove some of her comments on this blog entry and a previous one, and I am happy to oblige, They were her words and she can do with them as she feels is right. I have also removed responses to them as without the full dialogue it makes for confusing reading.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope that from here on in she engages the brain before spouting off. I hope she apologised for her illmannered rants.