Astonishing news reaches me that Northampton South Constituency Labour Party which in October held its first (newly constituted) meeting after being suspended by the NEC for nearly two years has now been suspended all over again!!
This time they are investigating misuse of the electronic data held by the party officers after the secretary made the stupid mistake of trying to contact people to get them to a meeting!
In addition it seems they are also now investigating other "ongoing" issues. It would seem that after expelling Geoff Howes and Anjona Roy for supposingly supporting me, they are now looking to expel further members for continuing to support Geoff and Anjona's appeals against their own expulsions.

With the local elections just around the corner, I think the real reason for this extraordinary action, as always, is that the regional gestapo as always want to control just who is and isn't selected to stand, particularly in an election in which they should be gaining seats.
Cllr Pam Varnsverry was delighted to tell all present at the Far Cotton Residents Association last week that the Lib Dem Council had secured Delapre Abbeys future. A new board was to be formed within a fortnight, £15m had been raised for the hastily revealed plan, Barclycard had pledged £5m Carlsberg had pledged another £5m and other local businesses were to be making up the difference!
So why was her fellow running mate in next years election Cllr Brenden Glynane so keen on the night to get her sit down? and why could her be overheard telling her to "Shut Up"

Well that's a lot different from what The people of Far Cotton heard at the meeting? On that measure I suppose we better just say that Her and her Husband and Cllr Glynane only "might" get elected to the three council seats in the new Delapre and Briar Hill Ward next May, but starting her campaign off by telling porkies to local residents is hardly the best start she could have made to her campaign.
Meanwhile the other P Varnsverry (Paul) has been busy telling the skateboarding dudes that NBC is radical man. by promising them £250,000 in 2011/12s capital budget towards the building of a Skatepark.
Is there an election in the air by any chance?
nb ( for those confused PV may not LOOK much like Jordan, but both will do and say ANYTHING to get their mugs in the press!)
This months quiz centres around the unbelievable actions of one of NBC's 47 Cllrs. Its a question of morals really and also a test as to how low an individual can really stoop. Are we ready?
Which Councillor on NBC would stoop so low as to invent meetings with the Chief Executive which never took place, and then write to third parties outlining discussions which took place in those imaginary meetings?

Which Councillor would write to a third party threatening to withdraw an offer of a lease unless they did exactly as the Councillor asked?
Which Councillor usually forthright in their views would fail to respond to questions regarding the above when written to?
And just what would they putting their reputation on the line to achieve?
Which Councillor usually forthright in their views would fail to respond to questions regarding the above when written to?
And just what would they putting their reputation on the line to achieve?
All will be revealed shortly.
Why on earth would the people of Far Cotton want anything to do with Pam Varnsverry. Her own party don't want her in St James. She got in by accident the last time, so why should Cottonites take on a reject. If she's not good enough for St James, she is certainly nowhere near good enough for Far Cotton/Delapre.
ReplyDeleteSkateboarders - remember the BUND. Cllr P Varnsverry made a promise to remove that as well and several years later what has happened? Nothing -so don't hold your breath. Bluster, bluster and even more BLUSTER.
ReplyDeleteGeoff and Anjona - "They must wonder what they need to do to show their loyalty?" - how about they stop promoting the cause of an Independent Cllr who continually runs down Labour. I'd say that would help a great deal.
ReplyDeleteWhat a strange comment! I haven't seen either of them for over 4 months and neither have ever promoted my cause?
ReplyDeleteBoth, to my total puzzlement have continued to support the party which has wronged them so badly, both are now expelled and now the party is going after members who are supposedly giving support to Geoff and Anjona because they supposedly gave support to me and John and Peter!
Where does it all end for the Labour Paety? my Late parents were both Labour Party members before they died, should their membership record be expunged too?
Phil Woolas is thrown out of the Party for telling lies during an election-clearly the judge had never read a Focus leaflet.
ReplyDeleteBut in his defence at the PLP his thirty years membership was cited as reason to support him,and he should be given a chance to appeal.
OK N'pton South insider.I had almost 40 years membership and was expelled,yes for breaking the rules,but never given an opportunity to explain the circumstances.Ironically everything we did as a ward was supervised by the CLP and the District Party,but an anonymous complaint to the region aided by misinformation coming from the then MP for Northampton North resulted in the chaos that exists today.
All we ever wanted was an opportunity to put our case,and the facts as we saw them before the NEC.
I suspect that right will be given to Woolas-draw your own conclusions 'insider'!
If you haven't seen them for over 4 months how do you know they continue to support the party and what is going on with the CLP? You cant have it both ways.
ReplyDeleteJohn - I am with you on the Focus leaflet comment. The Fib Dems are constant in their misleading newsletters and just dont like it when its shoved back up them. I would imagine Phil gets the opportunity to appeal not just because he has been a party member for 30+ years but because he is very active and works very hard as an MP.
PHIL Woolas
ReplyDeleteIn July 2005 when local government minister Phil Woolas warned that Northampton council was "drinking at the last chance saloon".
Funny old world?
Been away for a while.
ReplyDeleteHave a look at this:
whats this? comments have to be approved now? surely Tony you are not moving over to the on line editors and free speech deniers?
ReplyDeletePolitics are dead long live politics!A
ReplyDeleteIndepenDENSE, don't know what happened there? I had three posts asking to be moderated? Even though the thread is open? Still I just pressed the button and hey presto
ReplyDeletePaul Varnsverry has done more todate for Skateboarders in the town than any other MP, your language and comments in your thread just shows how out of touch you are with this community, Its a shame you didnt come up to Danes Ramp on Monday a free day for skateboarding put on by The Northampton Skatepark Action Group which attracted over 200 skaters. Please don't involve skateboarders in your political posturing we do not appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteAnon, Paul Varnverry actions mirror those prior to the last election when he led the people of Delepre up the garden path with promises to remove the bund at Delapre Abbey, guess what they are still there.
ReplyDeleteAs for political posturing? Well its the Lib Dems who are promising £250,000 towards the skate park without having the courage to commit it fully, its the Tories and the Labour Party who are both saying we won't object and only two independents free from political control who are saying be careful, not all politicians tell the truth all the time! Just ask a few students around town, they will put you right as to Lib Dem promises. I will galdly work with the Skateboard community to help them achieve their goal, and I will be truful with them as to what is achievable and how, but if there is any political postering going on itts not coming from this side mate.
250k and a plot of land at midsummer meadow is a 1000% increase on what ANY other party have committed to Skaters in this town, we currently have nothing, a plot of concrete with one block on would be totally appreciated and more than given to date by any other party, so 250k is a HUGE contribution, we don't care about national or international we want want the other towns in this county have and what the skaters want that NO OTHER PARTY has given to date. And don't underestimate us or our capability NSAG is not made up of a load of naive kids we are a fully operational team consisting of, Accountants, Lawyers, Heads of Action Sport Business, University lecturer and core skaters, We will match fund the 250 to 500k in our phase 1, but we have 3 phases planned and we will give the skaters of this town what we / they need. So forget the" skateboarding dudes that NBC is radical man" thats total crap and doesnt cut any ice or get you any creedence.
ReplyDeleteAnon, I don't get your beef? All of the party's at the guildhall have said they will honour the £250,000, and at the last council it was the independents who said that the money should not simply be in "earmarked reserves" but should be promoted to the capital programme so the money is really committed and not just earmarked.
ReplyDeleteI even found additional monies at the meeting which could be added to the pot.
We all want you to succeed, and unlike the parties I care little for cutting ice or gaining credence, I am just giving you helpful advice as to be aware of how politicians promises can be easily forgotten after an election.
The offer of the plot of land at
Midsummer Meadow sounds interesting, please explain more as the council know nothing about this?
Oh look! The skate park is going to open this summer. Once again, Tony Clarke, you are exposed as a political opportunist who will say anything to make yourself look more intelligent and informed than you really are.
ReplyDeleteAnon, chill dude, I have always supported the skatepark, and I am delighted it is happening, as a writer of a very public blog all my comments are exposed. So stop being such an angry bunny and enjoy your success