These were the very same people for god sake who tripped through the yes lobby in Parliament knowing it was wrong to go to war but put their careers before their conscience, hypocrite's of the very first order, all of them.

A: They all share the same Birthday?
B: They all share the same political views?
C: Both of the above?
Answers please
Turmoil continues apace it seems in the race to represent the Lib Dems in next Mays Borough Council Elections. After deselecting the sitting Mayor and losing another deselected Cllr to the Tories, the local party are now going through a second round to reselect some candidates who have already dropped out!


"I was born at a very young age"
followed by tales of the playground and maybe a few juicy tit bits about his love of the chase!
"The breath so near her pillow, that she shrunk back into it, lest these wandering hands should light upon her face."
Stick me down for a copy please Dennis.
I was delighted that the motion put down by our Independent group at September's Full County Council meeting was passed unanamously. The motion which asked for any "Big Society" to also be a "Fair Society" also asked the Council to commit to paying its front line staff a "Living Wage" Which Jim Harker was happy to accept.

The current Pay and grading denbacle has some County Council staff on as little as £6.31 an hour. So come on Mr Pastry, how say you tell us what the new rate will be and make a lot of disgruntled staff a lot happier?
Welcome back Tony - it was worth the wait. Excellent blog.
ReplyDeleteI was actually really encouraged to see David Milliband questioning HH. Not sure you can say all new Labour MPs tripped through the 'aye' lobby due to the greasy pole which I think (predictably) leads to your second point ....
They do all share a birthday! How interesting is that! Then again, did you know that the 6 September is a birthdate shared by lots of people who contributed to their profession but never quite made it as big as they thought they would ....
Tim Henman (1974)
Buster Bloodvessel (1958)
Joseph Kennedy (1888)
Leading to that superb picture of Barry from Hi De Hi. He was camp, wore yellow, pretended to be quite clever but was actually quite a snob and was in the closet .... would he fit in with a party at the Guildhall at all?
Glad to be of service indepenDENSE, and its nice to be missed.
ReplyDeletePerhaps we could go through the whole cast of Hi De Hi and place all the yellow coats to their compatriates?
Interestingly Greg Rusedski also shares a 6th of September birthday with Tim Henman. I prefer to think I have more in common with the Marquis De Laffeyette though
The young 'camp' comedian who was played by Jeffrey Holland and always ended up in fancy dress and being thrown into the Olympic size swimming pool...you know the one?
ReplyDeleteThought he was funny, always ended up as a bit part player, thought and wished he was destined for better things but should have just played to his limited talents .... sure thats Cllr Simpson?
Councillor Clarke!!!
ReplyDeleteI have just spat my drink all over my keyboard and computer screen!! Gosh it really IS good to see you back posting!
The; "The breath so near her pillow, that she shrunk back into it, lest these wandering hands should light upon her face." line, well ~ what can I say??? I am sure you know why I am laughing so much, but thank you anyways.
Good to have you back, have missed you my friend; you too indepenDENSE... your description of Barry from Hi De Hi, is perfectly spot on; which will now cause me to laugh every time I see Councillor Meredith from now on. (Thank you too)
I'd like to see who Gladys and Peggy would be, I have a few names but couldn't possibly comment... or are we leading to another tv play there?