So said Cllr Richard Church, the Liberal Democrat portfolio holder for regeneration when asked in August 2008 what his party's plans were for the Town Centre. Its all part of creating a "City of Culture" where people not only shop, but work, and play and of course LIVE in the heart of Northampton.
But of course living in the centre of town brings its own problems, I live on the edge of town and gladly pay my £25 a year for a residents parking scheme to protect a space for my vehicle, but if you live in Sheep Street? or Castillian Street? or maybe on the Market Square itself? parking your car is a bit more difficult. Of course town centre dwellers are green in many ways, often they have everything they need within strolling distance, and car use is usually limited to getting to and from work and for leisure trips, but where can you park your vehicle?
Well for as long as I can remember, Car owners living in town centre could buy a "residents" permit allowing them to use the Councils car parks to park their cars. It was a sensible way of using space often empty in the evening and whilst the £50 was double the cost for residents just outside the town centre and it was an additional cost, it was accepted as part of the cost of convinience of living so close to all the facilities and there was an understanding that there would an administrative charge of issuing the permits.
So how is Cllr Church and his Lib Dem Colleagues going to encourage more people to choose the Town Centre as their preffered place of residence?
Well for a start they are going to raise the cost of them parking their car by 600% !

But worry not, this is one of the income and efficiency moves that Cllr Brian Hoare said we would all like, so I am sure those effected will feel only too happy at the increase. After all they have been consulted right? There ward Councillor was consulted surely? No such luck on either count, as with the rest of the budget this underhand, sneaky and imposed car parking tax was once again hidden away in the minute detail of the budget book.
So as always with the Northampton brand of Liberal Democracy it is say one thing and do another, and they wonder why their star is no longer in the ascendancy?
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