"So..................Lets look at the clues:"
The patriotic yet slightly disturbing prominent use of the union flag (it's only a jack when it is on a ship) shows us that this party is serious about it's BRIT appeal whilst the absence of a party logo makes us suspicious of their intent. More right wing than right on.
"This should tell us something about the person who sent out this literature"
But let our journey through the leaflet continue and look beyond the picture on the wall
So...................Lets look inside the clues are there as we go through the content of the leaflet
"I continue to be in touch with a number of ********* and SPADS to arrange visits"
(I have removed the word in asterisks to make it more difficult for you, but SPADS? what in god's name is a spad? and do we want them visiting?
Obviously this party is down with the eusystolistatists and likes us to LOL and made me LMAO
The leaflet printed locally in er.................. Newcastle Upon Tyne, goes on to tell us of the "much welcome news for council tenants" of substantial PFI credits and promises personal involvement in potential spend and benefits to tenants
So an advocate of all things borrowed and bought by the market then? no social conscience for these folk.
and who can resist the temptation of joining the groups local Facebook site which now has "132 members"? which is only 3200 less than Northampton infamous but now sadly deceased lady of the streets 50p Lil
So who would send out a leaflet like this? Pro PFI, wrapped up in the union flag, down with the kids on Facebook (and the oldies) printing by local workers on Tyneside and tempting us with visits from SPADS (I won't spoil it by telling you what they are I will let you research that yourself.
So whose candidate is hiding behind the electoral door wrapped up in the clothes of all their neighbours
The BNP? Cameron's New Tories?, PFI crazy Local Liberal Democrats?, Nude Labour?
The clues are all there............................. Its over to you our internet audience......................................
Whose candidate? whose party can live with an image like this?
Answer in comments below please.
ROFL, it's sure not the BNP, I had to google a SPAD to find out WTF it was.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is it has got something to do with the local candidate Clyde 'where's Northampton' Loakes
nah, its Tory through and through. I had a leaflet from Binley come through my door with a similar heading, so defo Conservative
ReplyDeleteErm, this embarrassingly is Loaksie in Labour land!! I have just seen a copy sent to a local member!!
ReplyDeleteWhy does he feel the need to pander to the right wing? shocking??
I’m sure the constituency locally will be ecstatic!!! (not)
In my time of being in the party as a candidate at both local and national level this sort of stuff was proofed and agreed by the members, and not just left to the whim of the candidate!
The letter also mentions his work with the CWU campaigning against privatisation, The CWU should be very careful as they have enough fair weather friends as it is. I wonder if his dissent would go as far as a parliamentary vote? Or would he just sit on his hands like Sally (do anything, say anything, to save my skin) Keeble
Opportunism at its very worst as far as I can see, all wrapped up in the union jack