But yesterday it's headline struck a chord with me. I had posted below about the dangers of 'FREE' and I shared my concerns as to the future of tiered local Council Services where the basic service remains free (but paid for in your council tax) whilst enhanced services will be charged out at a premium. And It seems now that the Daily Express agree, particularly in respect of how future refuse collection services are to be delivered and charged all in the name of 'efficiency' and 'recycling'
So with the revelation by the Local Government Association that there is already a £4bn black hole in local councils accounts ( £2.7bn loss on development deals and £1.3bn in lost interest on bank deposits) and tough government settlements expected for at least the next 4-5 years where will local councils find the ways and means to squeeze that extra cash from us?
Well, first of all expect more parking fines (if that is possible in Northampton!) Figures reveal that last year that Westminster Council bought in more cash from Parking and parking fines than it did in Council Tax! and overall £10bn was collected by local authorities in the name of keeping our streets clear of inconsiderate drivers.
And expect more fixed penalty notices for a wider

Perhaps schools will issue fixed penalty notices to parents for late or non delivered homework or how about a letterbox tax for non compliant letterboxes? (you know the ones they are either the silly sort side on where you have to twist your whole body to deliver anything, or even worse the bottom feeder where you bend to deliver and drop everything you are holding.
Maybe they will introduce a local Barbecue Tax or fixed penalty notices for invasive cooking odours, or an annual limit on visits to the Park with top up vouchers available for frequent visitors.
I of course have my tongue firmly in my cheek when suggesting some of the above measures, but not all of them.
On the issue refuse collection charges I would hazard a guess that the truth is coming to a wheelie bin or black sack near you very soon. Already Northampton Borough Council has started limiting who does and does not get a black sack delivery (to save money spent on sacks) and thier recycling services are dependent on your post code and wealth (believe it or not only those with drives and large gardens can receive garden waste and glass collections whilst residents in terraced streets get neither)
What all this will inevitably lead to is the creation of multi tiered services with fixed penalties introduced for any who then fall foul of the new regimes and service conditions, with less Council staff delivering services and more delivering tickets and summonses. Our Councils will go from their past incarnation of being providers to all become enablers and then on a step further to becoming enforcers
You have been warned!
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