I was very grateful to Labours Joy Capstick in sponsoring our joint request for a call in and I felt she performed extreemly well last night and she will have gained herself a lot of deserved credit both in the eyes of council and also those she serves in her ward and those still loyal to Labours traditional values and roots.
Our shared concerns (which were upheld) were that the administration had been less than truthful over their intentions and contrary to all their warm words about "only investigating the options" and "the need to test best value" and our preparations for the call in exposed further their plans for what they really are.
Backbench Councillors (including many Lib Dems) were annoyed and angered to be told by the press and by myself at full council on June 29th of the plans, as up to that point their had been no discussion or now inkling of what the executive had planned for the Council. The item didn't appear on the Councils Forward Plan until June 30th and then only appeared as a 'Non Key' Decision.

Imagine the thoughts running through the head of the Lib Dem Portfolio Holder for the services to be tended when I reminded the Committee that she had told Council only last Monday that no advert had been placed and that no meetings with other councils on the tender had taken place, and yet I produced a copy of the advert placed on the 9th July and minutes from the meeting with other councils agreeing the partnership and announcing the appointment of the project manager?
And why they even want to go down this road god alone knows, a cursory glance at refuse collection costs (as but one example) shows that Northampton Borough Council has the second lowest per household cost for refuse collection in the East Midlands at £46, against a national average of £56 when Daventry District Council (our chosen partner) has the highest cost in the East Midlands at £84 !
The success of the call in (on the grounds that the leader says it was wrongly designated as a Key Decision and should have been a non key decision!) now means that this report must be revisited at the next Cabinet meeting in August andthat will give us another opportunity to further expose the folly of these plans and the underhanded deceit that has dogged this project to date.
The administration will say we were simply opposing for opposition sakes and risking the financial Security of the Council.
I say that we were simply doing our duty, I don't want all our services contracted out, and then delivered in tandem with a rural council until 2023 without this Council or those which follow in 2011, 2015 and 2021 being able to reverse the decision.
I don't want Councillors of any party including the administration left in the dark as to the Councils true intention, and I don't want Northampton Borough Council reduced to the status of the largest Parish Council in England on the back of partnership arrangements with surrounding Councils pushing us nearer and nearer to a Unitary County Council run by the Northamptonshire Squirocracy.
And do you know what? I think a large number of the Lib Dem group agree with me, and I also believe that in 6 months time even the Cabinet members will see that this call in saved them from their own folly rather than simply exposing them to cold truth as to what has gone on in their name and without their full knowledge and consent.
So we live to fight again. We have more revelations to come, more call ins to write, and more opportunity for Councillors of all party's to do what they were elected to do, take decisions based on all the information being available to them in order to guide that decision, not sold a line and then forced to go along with the decision out of blind party loyalty.
The other positive outcome from last nights meeting was that the opposition party's acted as one in defence of the common good, long may it continue.
We all want what is best for the Council, and the people we were elected to serve, but we do not expect the decisions to be taken for us, or on our behalf by officers working behind the scenes and committing expenditure and enacting decisions before the authority has been given to them through the votes and decisions of 'all' the elected members.
All Councillors of all Party's should be able to agree to that.
Firstly young man, you are sooo lucky I never found the green tights/leggings I was looking for yesterday! (Though I think JD got you spot on in his column!! Sorry mate)
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I promise that it was not me sticking pins in the Tony Clarke effigy or anything... And I'm guessing you meant loyal person right? (Couldn't resist)
I have to ask, (it will only bug me otherwise) Was Jean Hawkins on your side or that of her cabinet/party colleagues? I could not make my mind up and I didn't like to ask.
Congrats to both you and Joy though, maybe it was just a mistake and typing error; let's hope that's all it was!
ReplyDeleteScrutiny never really has sides, people from different partys will think differently politicly but we all want to see things done properly.
Jean is a lovely women, she is on the side of the good always (even when we disagree) and she was simply calming me down as I was a tad animated.
A lot of Lib Dems however I am sure privately agree with what we did but it is not for me to try and guess which ones or to label them in one camp or another. Brendan didn't turn up? was that because he didn't agree with his group? or simply because he had a family emergency? dennis came in late, on purpose so he didn't have to vote? or simply because he was caught in traffic?
I leave the gueesing and the conspiracy to others, but like scutiny I prefer hard facts to excuses.
I can see that Carole has a lot to put up with (take that however you wish) when you get "slightly" animated... (Should I bring the restraints next time?)
ReplyDeleteJean seems lovely to me also, and I am glad she can keep you in check as it were! I also agree that all most good folks of Northampton want is the best for the town... funnily enough that's what I said to Dennis!
No idea about Brendan... had no idea he was meant to be there! I thought Jenny Conroy was meant to be, wanted to speak to her; hence why I turned up!
No idea about Dennis either, but you might have to thank him for the fact he did... if he would have been there, I am guessing he would have had the casting vote! Never asked how he would have voted, but it is anyones guess right?
Anyways, see you around Robin, erm... I mean Tony!!! (Didn't think I'd let that slide did you my friend... you know it's now gonna be your nickname!!!)