But whatever the reason I am convinced (now more than ever) that election candidates are about as welcome on our doorsteps as Johava's Witnesses or those energy sales staff offering ever reduced tariffs.
It is for this reason that less of my campaigning these days is carried out in the old fashioned manner. Gone are the days of reading systems and canvass returns, in is the age of direct mail, readable leaflets, and e-campaigning.
But I still can't help but think that we are all still trying to sell a product that the public has long since got tired of buying.
Turnout at tomorrows Euro and Council elections is predicted to be as always at a "record low" (i.e. since the last election broke the last record low) and in many ways the furore over MP's expenses has simply legitimised the "I never bother voting anyway" camp
You see any contract between two people be they selling eggs or political promises has to be formed on the basis of both parties having either something to give or wanting something back in return.
So in this instance most candidates are saying " I have a bag full of promises to make to you to make your life better for you, I can also promise you that whilst now, at this minute my intentions maybe good that afterwards I reserve the right to change my mind and amend my promises as befits the needs of my Party.

It's hardly a match made in heaven is it? Years ago a persons political character was often set and known to them. They were Socialists who voted Labour or Capitalists who voted Tory or confused individuals in sandals and cardigans who couldn't make their mind up and voted Liberal.
But now it seems as if we don't need to hold any political ideals? and that you can change your party as often (if not more) than you change your wallpaper. Of course a lot of this is the fault of all of the three main parties wrestling for the same plot of centre ground Middle England turf and making their parties almost carbon copy's of each other.
So wheres the loyalty? wheres the honesty? and where is the delivery? Increasingly I believe that the public anger at the "expenses" scandal runs a far lot deeper than their distaste for the behaviour of our MP's. I believe that many have also lost all faith in the system itself and feel that "Politics" Local and National has little to offer to them.
Perhaps we are all to comfortable? or that those who are not and in need have lost hope of anyone speaking up for them?
The Labour Party was formed over 100 years ago as a partnership between the working men and women of Britain and their trade union memberships. It worked for a long period of time when rights at work and equality between rich and poor were still to be strived for. However despite many of these rights being currently eroded it seems as if most working people have abandoned the trade union movement in favour of the "no win no fee" culture.
Equally there has been an abandonment of the Labour Party, in fact an abandonment of all of the big three party's as 99% of the population chose not to be members of any of them.
But people are starting to organise again. In my own seat Castle Ward we have active community groups, forums and residents associations. We have volunteers willing to give their time to improve their locality. People are "Doing it for themselves" without the need for someone to sanction their activity through passing a motion at any party meeting, or even at the Council.
That is why more local candidates should be elected on Thursday, that is why more an more Independent candidates are being successful across the UK.
On June the 4th across Northamptonshire there are a eight Independent candidates standing for election together with a few local community minded candidates also standing under the grouping of Northampton Save our Services.
Each will be fighting to be elected with little outside support and without much media attention. If we want to change politics in our county for good and for the better, and send a message to all the main parties that we are through with their continued empty promises and deceit, then I hope those of you who have the chance to, will vote for candidates who will not be compromised by any political whip, nor tempted by any offer of party position.
I would also urge voters not to be taken in by the disgraceful and disturbing mantra peddled in the County by the far right BNP. Hopefully there continued exposure will be enough to warn people of their vile hidden agenda.
So If you want to hold up to the true radical traditions of independent thought and action by Northamptonshire's citizens that over the centuries has brought us real political change from backing Parliament in the civil war through to returning Bradlaugh to Parliament four times against the wishes of the establishment then I hope that this time you will consider, if you have the opportunity of doing so on June the 4th, of voting for an Independent Voice to represent you at County Hall.
Mr. Clarke....
ReplyDeleteWith reference to your statement...
"...confused individuals in sandals and cardigans who couldn't make their mind up and voted Liberal."
I do hope you are not suggesting I wear sandals or a cardigan; let alone unable to make up my mind?
give it time.........................
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Mr. Clarke,
ReplyDeleteI'm planning on challenging you for your seat next local election...
That is of course, unless Roger has already beaten you. Then I'll have to settle for taking your borough seat sharen't I?